Bullfrog Bagels on H Street2 locations


Bullfrog Bagels on H Street Bialy
Bullfrog Bagels on H Street

Reviews Across the Web

Popular almost exclusively in New York, the bialy hails from Poland and tastes like an English muffin and a bagel had a baby. It’s soft, slightly sour and excellent toasted with cream cheese, but not as much of a carb-bomb as its more robust, rounded cousin. Some fret that it’s on its way to extinction. That should be reason enough to replace your morning bagel, at least once, with Bullfrog’s bialy, which is as close to New York-style as it gets.


Washington Post

Jun 9, 2016

Around the Web

Washington Post Jun 9, 2016
The 40 most essential D.C. restaurant dishes of 2016


Capitol Hill

317 7th Street SE
Washington, DC

H Street

1341 H Street NE
Washington, DC