
Reviews Across the Web
If you’re a fan of a dainty burger where all of the various sauces and toppings are readily distinguishable from each other, Five Guys is not your burger joint. If you’re a fan of a hot, steaming, keep-it-in-the-foil-to-hold-its-shape burger though, then look no further. Five Guys might not offer the most dignified of meals (I have yet to leave one of their locations without smelling like French fries), but the burgers are fresh, truly made to order, and you can get as many toppings as you want. The transparently and often locally-sourced fry servings are also ludicrously enormous, and they offer free, unlimited serve-yourself in-shell salted peanuts. The underutilized secret menu is also pretty awesome, including an option where you can replace the bun with two grilled cheese sandwiches. Need we say more?

Oct 1, 2015This mega chain remains a hometown favorite, keeping quality and consistency even after franchising.
Dec 12, 2014The Five Guys cheeseburger. Unfussy, but that’s why we love it.

Sep 18, 2015Around the Web
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