Pineapple and PearlsCapitol Hill

Spicy Fried Chicken Sandwich

Pineapple and Pearls Spicy Fried Chicken Sandwich
Pineapple and Pearls

Reviews Across the Web

The fried chicken sandwich at Pineapple and Pearls is only available at their coffee bar, which operates from 8 a.m. to early afternoons (4 p.m. on Saturday). It’s not the biggest sandwich on this list, but it makes up for its lack of size with a wallop of flavor. The perfectly cooked honey glazed chicken breast is the ideal combination of sweetness, smokiness, and spiciness, and the accompanying pickle slices add a pleasant bite to balance things out. Served on a soft roll with some Bibb lettuce, parsley, and red onion, as well as with a slather of their secret sauce, you’ll most likely be smiling as you make a mess of eating this sandwich. Who cares? It’s delicious.


Brightest Young Things

Feb 17, 2017

Around the Web

Brightest Young Things Feb 17, 2017
17 Sandwiches for 2017


deep fried
fried chicken
fried chicken sandwich


Capitol Hill

715 8th Street Southeast
Washington, DC